I have started making ricotta cheese at home. The recipe is from David Lebovitz's guest post at Simply Recipes. I use this cheese in cookies, tarts, and pasta.
Homemade Ricotta Cheese (makes 2 cups)
(from David Lebovitz's guest post at Simply Recipes)
2 litres whole milk (in original recipe, 2 quarts milk is used)
1 cup whole-milk yogurt
2 tsps white vinegar
1 tsp salt
Boil the milk. Add yogurt, vinegar and salt and very gently boil for 1 or 2 minutes, until the milk is curdled.
Line a strainer with 2 layers of cheesecloth and keep it over a deep bowl.
Pour the milk mixture into the strainer and keep aside for 15 minutes. Then, gather the cheesecloth and squeeze gently to drain excess liquid. Use within 3 days.