February 4, 2021

 Week 13 - Bowl


1 cup cooked grain (any one of quinoa, millet, etc - I use quinoa)

2 carrots 
1 beetroot
salad greens (optional - I use arugula+baby spinach)
pomegranate (optional)
1 tbsp roasted almonds (or any other nut)
1 tsp sunflower or pumpkin seeds (optional)
olive oil
Herb - Cilantro, thai basil (optional)

For the sauce:

handful of mint leaves
handful of coriander leaves
1 green chilli
sweetener (a bit of jaggery or a couple of dates)
1/3 of a handful of raw almonds
1 tsp olive oil

1. Grind together the ingredients for the sauce.
2. Steam the beetroot for 6 minutes and the carrot for 2 minutes.
3. Peel the beetroot and slice them into 1/4 inch thick strips.
4. Do the same with the carrots.

Assemble the bowl separately for each person according to taste or it can be assembled together.

In a bowl, first add the grain. Then add the carrots and beetroot. Add salad greens if using. Add some olive oil and salt and mix. Add some green sauce - as much as you would like. Add the herb if using - not necessary. Top with crushed toasted nuts/seeds and pomegranate if using.

Above bowl is very versatile. This is just one variation. One can use different sauce, different vegetables, etc.

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